
Sunday Services

9:00 AM @ Franklin, KY Drive-in

9:45 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM Morning Worship

Wednesday Service

6:30 PM Prayer Service/Adult Bible Study

6:30 PM Youth Classes for All Ages

Sunday School: Our Sunday school classes provide the opportunity for us to learn more about our Lord while interacting with others in our class. Come join us! We would love for you to be a part of our church! Bible lessons are taught in a way so that everyone can participate and learn. Classes are provided for all age groups.

Youth Programs: Each young person is special to both God and MGB! Our youth meet for Sunday School and on Wednesday evenings. Throughout the year there are special outings and activities planned to encourage and help our youth grow in Christ.

Nursery:  MGB Church provides a nursery for Sunday morning worship service. The nursery opens each Sunday morning at 9:45 until service ends. Newborns to four years old are welcome.

Handicap parking spaces are located at the side of our Sanctuary by the ramp.